Aloe Vera And Anti-aging – Conatural
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Aloe Vera And Anti-aging

Aloe Vera gel is secreted by the leaf of the aloe plant, otherwise also sometimes referred to as the Plant of Life and the Wand of Heaven. It’s most widely known benefits include healing wounds and soothing sensitised skin that is either severely dry or sunburnt.

 Aloe Vera has been a popular medical and beauty aid through history, revered by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, by Cleopatra as part of her beauty regime and by Gandhi who drank it during fasts as a wellness aid. Today, it is a known anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic that additionally contains some 200 important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and amino acids. 

When talking about what aloe vera can do for your skin, it has multiple benefits. As mentioned above, it promotes healing and halts damage to the skin caused by the elements and is able to do this mainly by effectively penetrating injured tissue, reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow.




Here’s why aloe vera gel is an effective anti-aging aid:


Studies suggest that certain substances contained in aloe gel can give the immune system a boost by containing damage wrecked to healthy cells by damaged or cancerous cells: healthy cells functioning optimally are critical for beautiful skin.


A polysaccharide, known as acemannan is found in pure aloe gel that is responsible not just for active wrinkle repair but also for its healing and detoxifying effect on the entire body. Application of aloe gel on the skin can also up cell reproduction by as much as eight times: all due to the polysaccharides found in aloe. Additionally, polysaccharides reorganise the cells of the epidermis which lose their tightfitting structure as we advance in years. Skin may become looser and more dehydrated due to weaker defences, allowing for water loss and for impurities to enter. 


Aloe vera inhibits the melanin producing enzyme in the skin, preventing dreaded liver spots that can show up most commonly on your face, feet and hands as your skin ages. Applying aloe vera gel regularly can stunt the appearance of these spots and help fade hyperpigmentation caused by prolonged sun-exposure.


    Fibroblast cells are responsible for collagen production in the skin; as one ages, the production of these cells slows down also causing decreased amounts of collagen. Collagen is what keeps the skin supple and youthful looking, a lack of which causes the skin to look aged. Aloe gel, when applied topically can actually help the skin to produce more fibroblast cells and unlike other skincare products that contain collagen, aloe gel enables the skin to produce more collagen on its own.


    Containing over 200 nutrients and several essential vitamins and minerals, the use of aloe vera gel can impart these bounties to your skin keeping it generally healthy and well cared for.


    Since it assists in the regeneration and repair of skin cells, aloe vera gel will also effectively remove dead cells making it a great exfoliating aid that will leave your skin fresher, softer and renewed. And because of its astringency, it will help to tone your skin giving you a brighter complexion and more even skin tone.


    Dehydration is one of the leading causes for premature aging of the skin and wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe vera gels is able to efficiently penetrate quick and deep into each layer of the skin and provide the necessary moisture it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Adequately hydrated skin has better defences against the elements and is able to regenerate more effectively than skin that is parched or has a weak hydro-lipid barrier that is constantly allowing precious moisture to escape.



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