The Hidden Truth Behind Acne
The Hidden Truth Behind Acne
Acne. The only four letter word (apart from the L word) that strikes fear in women and men of all ages. From the looks of it, it seems like everyone is either dealing with active acne, or the scars and pigmentation it leaves behind once it subsides. And while you can spend bucket loads on the best facials, the best serums and creams, and even the best antibiotics money can buy, it’s essential to remember one very important thing; healing starts from within.
Now we’re not going to start a winding discussion on how you should be eating healthy (you should), how you should be drinking a litre of water daily ( you totally should) or how you NEED to apply sunscreen every single day without fail (!!!), we do want to focus on one hidden ingredient that you are ingesting on the regular that could be causing those stubborn breakouts; Fluoride. Yep. Fluoride. The ingredient that every toothpaste company in the world boasts about in their ads because it makes your teeth white and sparkly, can also be the cause behind your treatment resistant acne breakouts. And the most surprising part is, it’s not limited to just toothpaste.

What fluoride does is, it clogs up the lymphatic system and causes hormone imbalances that then trigger cystic acne. Not only that, fluoride also competes with iodine (which is essential for optimal thyroid health) in the thyroid gland and because it’s more reactive, it completely displaces iodine which in turn causes a deficiency and throws off thyroid function. Your thyroid is basically the king of your hormone system, and if that isn’t functioning properly, your entire endocrine system will be out of order, which means acne breakouts.
Here are all the ways excess fluoride can mess up your system:
- cause hormone imbalances which can lead to PMS,PCOS and endometriosis
- impairs magnesium metabolism needed for balanced blood sugar
- destroys gut health needed for a strong immune system and CLEAR SKIN
- Fluoride free toothpaste: Replace ALL toothpastes in your home with fluoride free versions
- Special Fluoride water filter: Water filters are available that are specifically made to filter out fluoride from your water.
- No more teeth whitening : Whether you’re a fan of the DIY kits or whether you get whitening treatments at the dentist, fluoride plays a major role in the whitening process so it’s best to avoid
- No more bottled water/tea/juices from grocery stores: Even if a product says it uses filtered water, this in no way means the product is fluoride free, so be wary!
- Reduce deboned meats: Qeemas, sausages and nuggets contain fluoride because of the way they are processed.
- Reduce wheat intake: Avoid processed breads and baked goods
- Buy Organic: Make sure your fruits and veggies are from 100% organic vendors who do not use fluoride based pesticides on their crops!
- Try Conatural Acne Solution Kit. This magical acne skin care products instantly cure mild to moderate acne without occurring dryness, redness, or discomfort.