Dry Skin vs. Dehydrated Skin
One of the most common questions one asks related to skin care is “What is difference between Dry and Dehydrated skin?”
Even though both the terms are used interchangeably by many people, there is a significant difference:
Dry skin lacks oil; whereas, Dehydrated skin lacks water
Dry Skin
Dry skin is a skin type. It is the skin you’re either born with or develop over the years.
When your skin is dry, it means that it is not producing enough sebum to protect and condition your skin’s outer layer and pores.
The signs to identify if you have dry skin are:
- Flaky skin
- Rough Texture
If you have dry skin, befriend facial oils! What’s better than treating dry skin with natural and certified organic facial oils? Try using a nutrient-rich facial oil like Jojoba or Coconut Oil to moisturise your skin.
Conatural’s Organic Coconut Oil melts into your skin as soon as you apply it, without leaving any residue. It penetrates easily into the skin and moisturises deeply and thoroughly.
Due to Jojoba Oil’s affinity with skin’s natural oil, it is more readily absorbed and tolerated by the top layer of the skin. Therefore, Conatural’s Organic Jojoba Oil can help to balance sebum production when applied topically.
Another good practice is to avoid oil-free cleansers if you have dry skin type.
Dehydrated Skin
If your skin is dehydrated, it means it lacks water! It is a skin condition that can be caused by several factors, such as your diet, your skin care products and cosmetics, to name a few.
You can tell if your skin is dehydrated by looking out for these signs:
- Dull skin
- Tight skin
Dehydrated skin can be treated easily as compared to dry skin.
The perfect remedy for dehydrated skin is to use skin care products with high water content.
Aloe Vera is also a very useful ingredient for hydrating your skin. Conatural’s Organic Aloe Vera Gel hydrates the skin without making it appear greasy.
It’s also important to tackle dehydration from the inside. Make sure you drink 8-15 glasses of water a day, increase intake of fruits and vegetables and keep consumption of processed food and drinks to a minimum.
It should also be kept in mind that excessive heat exposure can also dehydrate the skin. So, during these hot summer months, take precaution to keep your skin cool and hydrated.
For Dry Skin:

For Dehydrated Skin: