Struggling With Acne and Oily Skin? This Is the Best Solution

Struggling With Acne and Oily Skin? This Is the Best Solution
Like most people right now with the onset of this apocalyptic heatwave, I am struggling with acne right now. The skin was pristine, at its best texture, and also radiant until summers and somewhat in the glimmer of spring that we got. Come the heat waves, the pimples started popping out and the oil production also got triggered like anything else. Here’s a reality check: most people go through this in the summers. But we’re not going to leave you high and dry, here’s the solution for the problem that is here to stay for a while.

Why Summers Is Bad For Your Skin

The picture of glowy, fresh look of summer is only a romantic ideal. It’s not real. Summers is more about inflamed, irritated, and flaring skin with many blemishes and that god-awful sheen that comes with oily skin. Many people stop moisturizing their skin once their skin starts becoming oily. What this does is that it makes your skin so incredibly dry that it feels the need to overproduce oil. Otherwise, greater oil can be produced by your skin due to heat too. The end result? Clogged pores, greater bacteria, pimples or zits that live rent-free in your mind. Affected self-esteem? We get that.

How Can You Fix This?

The solution lies in a solid acne face wash. This is because what you wash your face with determines how your face reacts to other skincare products. Moreover, it determines what the first thing your skin will feel once it is being cleansed. If it is not being soothed, it’s a hard pass. If it is not being thoroughly cleaned and clogging your pores, put that thing back. If it is not antibacterial, you’re making a mistake. The best face wash for acne is one that has all the aforementioned properties, not one that lacks them. Using a cleanser specially made for oily and acne-prone skin will ensure all the current needs of your skin are being met. An acne face wash is supposed to be gentle, antifungal, soothing and also organic so that your skin can breathe. Only through this can your oils be balanced, your pores cleaned and your zits calmed.

Other Things To Do To Help With Acne

For your acne face wash to work like magic, you’re going to have to work on a host of other lifestyle habits too. We know Ramadan is the time everyone gorges on oily food but put a stop to it for your skin. Beauty comes with a price, for sure. Get your water in taking right because anything less than 1.5ltr a day is an injustice to your skin’s hydration. When you clean your diet, ensure you’re adding vegetables and fruits to it too. It may be cliche but it’s true— they make a difference. Lock a skincare routine that’s hydrating, soothing and antibacterial alongside these and you’ll be on your journey to blemish-free skin. It all starts with the best acne face wash!